Art Catalog CN-204
“Soldiers are citizens of death’s gray land.”
----Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)
Chess extremes - gray tones, intention to modify cognitive chess images placed before an audience for critical evaluation in normal situation – artists assumes intended viewers – shares same presuppositions or contextual assumptions they form much of our taken – for – granted beliefs about the structure and maybe texture of the chess game. For example – images often misfire accepting due to diversity of viewers. Perception of chess image hinges on subtle judgment of what is mutuality to whom. Art effort here - obtaining the intended effects - ghost chess.
Robert Le Johnno 2012
Notice right usage terms – catalog CN 204 Public domain & open source. (本拍摄手记中图片资源可在公共领域中使用)
(CCN传媒图片网 孟波) (文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)